Wednesday 24 November 2010

Tea Brief - Day Three

After the show and tell yesterday it was decided that the 'The Tea Tree' name for the product wasn't really working and people much preferred the alternative name that I had come up with, which was 'Tea Hugger'. Now that I changed the product name and applied it to the logo, the typeface isn't really working for me anymore.

After a bit of typeface experimentation I settled on the one below which is called Bebas Neue and I got it off dafont. I had a bit of a play with the length of the line between the text and the tree and decided that out of the four, the top right image works best for me and this is the one that I'm going to carry forward.

Applying the new logo to the box front and having a play with placement and sizing. The furthest right one is one that I've chosen and am taking forward.

Moving on to play with flavours, I picked a nice red colour to represent Chai tea and had a test with placement and sizing again to see where the tea name looked best. I actually really like the second in the line where the text is quite small and subtle and allows the colour of the box to be the main representation of the flavour of the tea.

A few colours that I'm looking into for the Chai tea, but actually out of all of them I much prefer the red that I had randomly picked for the test box.

I narrowed the colours down to these possible colours, and I actually really like how they stand in a line and make an interesting gradient. The gradient runs better when the boxes are white (or black) and the imagery is coloured. Out of the three options, I really like the box being white.

Black tea experimentation.

Earl Grey experimentation.

English Breakfast experimentation.

Green tea experimentation.

Jasmine tea experimentation.

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