Sunday 28 November 2010

Web banners

So I decided that since the Odeon has a popular website I would raise the coverage of the events held at the cinema by creating web banners that will be shown on the homepage of the website which, when clicked, will take the viewer to a page with more information and dates on it. There was a banner already on the Odeon website so I simply used the dimensions of that to create a banner for each of my events. The Harry Potter one is directly below.

This is that same banner being displayed on the Odeon website. The thing is because it's so small, you can't really see that it's something I designed, so I'm going to have a go at fading the rest of the site out merely for the purpose of seeing the bit that I designed better.

I made two versions of the web banner for the Hitch Hiker's event, but out of the two I much prefer the black one. The white one has too much white space and doesn't really work in this format like it did as a poster so the dark one it is.

The chosen banner evidenced on the Odeon site. Again, I'm going to try playing with the opacity a bit.

The web banner advertising the Willy Wonka event.

These are each of the banners on the website, but the rest of the site has had the opacity dropped to 50% so that the web banner stands out nicely on each page.

And evidenced on an iMac.

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