Wednesday 15 December 2010

Module Evaluation

OUGD301 Module Evaluation

This is my best module so far and while it has been the most challenging one, I feel that I have risen to the challenge and learned a great deal throughout. On the whole I am very pleased with how this module turned out. I feel that I have produced a substantial amount of work of high quality. One of the main things that I have learned during this module is the value of time management and that I have the ability to make decisions quickly rather than spend forever dithering over my briefs. I feel that I utilised this the most in the second half of the module rather than the first.
The first two of my substantial briefs that I worked on were the Fictional Drinks and the Bike Bakery and I feel that I made a mistake in not initially setting myself a deadline for these briefs, and because of this I spent a lot longer on them than I needed to and could have produced the work that I did in less time. Because of this, I feel like had I utilized my time better at the beginning of the module I could have produced more work or even had time enough to do an extra brief.
In the second half of the module I realised that I am able to start and finish what I consider to be a substantial brief within five days. This came from working on a collaborate brief with Will Asken and between us we produced a substantial brief within five days and I realised that if we could do it together in five, I could do one by myself in five. This proved to be very productive and working on one brief solidly and getting it done in five days was far easier than having my attention spread thinly over several briefs at one time. I am aware that when working on industry I will be working on several briefs at any one time and I feel that this course is giving me good practice for when I am working in industry.
I used my Identity a Day brief as a test to see what I could produce in a day and I think that this was an excellent exercise to do as it honed my ability to make faster decisions and to get something finalised in a short amount of time.
A con of the module is that I wasn’t on top of my blog as much as I would have liked to be. Everything is up to date but I had to have several sessions of just catching up with my blog after I intended on blogging everything when it needed to be blogged and not ending up in the situation of having to have a catch up session at the end of the module.
Overall, I feel that this is my best module yet and I have produced some great portfolio pieces.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Starpack: Milk

Now that things are starting to wind down for module hand in I found myself with a free couple of hours so I decided to have a crack at the Starpack brief that I was thinking about doing before. the brief is above from the website and reading through it, I figured that it was more of a conceptual brief than anything else and was only a minor brief. I wasn't going to do it but I found myself free so I did it.

Here's a few design sheets.

Out of all the ideas so far, I really like this idea of changing the shape of the normal milk carton so that they slot together. the advantages of this are that they take up less space and that way, far more can be transported and stored in one place, which vastly reduces the carbon footprint.

Here's a vector representation of the interlockable milk carton.

A few ideas using the chosen product name from the design sheets of 'Au Lait'. I didn't come up with a vast amount of variations for this because the clock is ticking and it's a brief that I want to turn around in a couple of hours. besides I really like the idea of using Ballpark font just touching the white edge. it's a font that looks like a milk splash. I used the conventional colours for milk packaging because if I go changing those around too much, I think that people will be confused. I prefer the images where the level of white is rising in response to the type of milk that it is packaging rather than staying in the same place on each carton.

A close up of each chosen carton front.

And 3D representations of all three.

Bish bash bosh. 2 hours.

Friday 10 December 2010

Vivienne Du Bois Website

I decided to use this free couple of hours to throw together a website for the burlesque performer, Vivienne Du Bois, the first identity that I designed. I used the same colours, keeping it to a very simply colour scheme. The feather background behind the image was a stock image that I pulled from google and set to monotone using the same purple that the rest of the design uses.

The photograph comes from here.

The body copy is from Dita Von Teese's website.

Evidenced on a Macbook Pro.

Friday 3 December 2010

Laurent Caille Photos

The product shots of the Laurent Caille identity I blogged about yesterday. I was still a little undecided on which  hair texture I wanted to use so I printed all of them out to see which one I liked the best on paper.
Now that they're on paper, I\m really set on the red hair because I think that it's really bright and eye catching and more interesting than blonde or brunette.

I also decided to see what they would look like printed on Antique White paper from the library, which is lovely and off-white and I really like printing on it. Being that the last three of my print slots have fallen through due to weather and absence, I resorted to printing these in the Mac suite and the laser printer wasn't really a fan of antique white paper and kept reprinting it. I cleaned them up as much as I could in Photoshop though in the photos you can't tell that it's not white paper at all. I prefer more textured paper to smooth so I really love this paper, but it just wasn't working here. Oh well!