Monday 29 November 2010

Tea Brief - Day Five

It took far longer to construct these than I first anticipated and I pretty much spent the whole day cutting these out and putting them together. The lack of glue did make it quite easy but cutting out all the tabs was a faff and I kept putting them together before realising I'd missed a slot or something and that just took up time. At least it's done now and I have fifteen lovingly constructed boxes. I managed to not mangle any of them too, which is definitely a bonus.

It took time cutting out all of the tags for the tea bags too as they were so small and finicky and kept sliding about under the ruler. It was a good job I printed so many of them because I did manage to mangle a fair amount of those.

Do avoid using glue even on the tea bag tags, I folded them in half and tied them together with string to the teabag.

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