Sunday 28 November 2010

Bakery Adverts

I finally got around to designing the loyalty card for the bakery. Better late than never, I suppose. Anyway. I'm doing it standard business card size and have decided that the offer is going to be 'get a free tea/coffee' when you buy six' Something to that effect and every time you buy a coffee or tea from Bite, you get a stamp on your card and when you have 6 stamps you get your free drink. Yay.

I tried designing the card with the bite taken out of it but it was really messing around with the layout too much, so I decided that the mark where the stamp goes could be the circular, bitten shape of the logo instead. I kept it one colour + stock like the rest of the design.

Also, advertisements were another thing that I was going to use to extend the brief. I had a think and realised that because Bite is hypothetically situated on the street opposite the universities, advertising it in the free paper The Metro is probably a good idea because a lot of students read that and it's given away on buses as a lot of people travel into Leeds on the bus. So I used some of my product shots to create some advertisements so go into the paper. I used words such as fresh and locally sourced to sell the bakery on its more sustainable aspects.

It was actually really difficult to find high-res images of the Metro and I couldn't actually find one to save my life. There were just none around, so I couldn't take my own photographs. I had to make do with this and Photoshop my own images onto it. It's not the best photograph, and I can see a lot of newspaper that isn't my design work, so I'm probably going to try and get a better image.

There has been a little book floating around the studio lately called Live It Love It Leeds which isfull of reviews and advertisements, so I decided to make up a review page spread for the Bakery. This looks way better than the image photoshopped into the Metro and I'm going to use this instead on my boards.

These are the photographs of the loyalty card printed out. I mocked up some stamps for it in Illustrator and applied a grain to the layer so that it looked like a stamp. I think it worked quite well.

I struggled at first to make a shop layout, as the horror directly below would suggest, so I decided to get my act together.

I went onto google and found an image of a boarded up shop and set it to grey scale, then started applying my design over the top by using block colours and then setting them to multiply so that the texture of the photograph below could be seen through it. I think that this turned out so much better than I was expecting and I'm really pleased with it. It took a little while to go over everything but it worked out really nicely.

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